Rom-Coms – for women
Soppy Soapies – for women
Romance Novels – for women
Tear-jerker movies – for women
This is an accepted view: that all listed above are mainly for women.
Because women, or rather most women, are viewed as being more emotional than men. It’s said that women cry easily ...
experienced my first tear-jerker movie at age eleven whilst on a school
holiday sleep-over at my cousin’s home ‘in dem good ole days’ when
mothers were mainly housewives/stay at home moms.
On this sleep-over
day my auntie woke us as soon as my uncle had left for work at six am.
She manoeuvred us through the “shaping up of the joint” in record time.
Food cooked, washing on the line, house spic and span, table set up, all
ready and waiting for the man of the house to return from work. Then
the rush to clean ourselves up for the ten o'clock show at the local
movie house. Auntie found her seat, but we had to sit on the steps in
the side isle next to her row. As the movie unfolded auntie began to
cry. At eleven years old we weren’t too sure and not very interested in
the story-line, but we ended up crying because auntie was crying. Two
eleven-year-old girls sitting on the isle steps in the movie house
giggling and crying.
Auntie’s need to share her emotions engendered
by the movie resulted in her talking through her observations with us
for the rest of the day. ‘Did you see how he held her?’ a string of ‘did
you see’ observations followed to which we little girls just agreed. It
took many years later for me to examine my auntie’s observations and to
realise that each of her observations of that movie we watched were to
do with TOUCH. How the leading man held the leading lady’s hand, how he
pulled her onto his lap, how he threw his arms over her shoulders to
draw her closer to him, how he lifted her, how he smoothed her hair,
how he cupped her face and so on… my auntie was subconsciously revealing
a need within herself that was crying out to be met and the fantasy of
the movie kept this hope in her alive that perhaps one day her husband
would be able to share the same with her:
IS A TWO-WAY STREET and most definitely not a competition to see who
goes first. The more you touch is the more you want to touch. And the
thing about touching is that it makes you feel so good 😊. Think of that
little boy’s beaming smile when his dad ruffles his hair.
Read this case in study of my own observations:
extended family member’s son, - known for his anger and sometimes
violence – who has his own illegitimate son, a divorce behind him and a
second child - was in a live-in relationship with his third woman. This
third woman was a divorcee with three school going children of her own
and was totally persona non-gratia within that family circle. But did he
love her – boy oh boy - did he love
her! His family couldn’t understand why he loved this woman above all
others. It took a visit to a function at his house for me to understand
why this was so.
She was the most tactile person I had ever met
within an open gathering of friends and family. She touched him at every
opportunity she had. At the braai she would come up and hug him from
behind and whisper something in his ear that he would make him smile,
she would ensure that he had a drink at hand, she would check with him
before giving instructions to his and her children about any task to be
done and just – hostess as she was - kept him in the loop of all that
was going on around the gathering that one could only smile at how he
beamed with love
at her. Whenever she could, she would pinch his behind or smooth her
hand over his nape as she passed. She had truly unlocked his desperate,
deep-seated inner need for acknowledgement of ‘me’ … not his status, not
his looks, not his wealth … just him:
ACCEPTANCE OF “ME” (refer my earlier Blog on Relationships)
yes, the bitchy comments were heard alright; ‘She’s hard up for a man
so she sucks up,’ and other comments even worse than that that at the
end of the visit, to clear my own mind, I had to go up to the young man
and tell him how I really liked that he looked very settled and happy
in his new choice. His reply made me feel sorry for all those ladies
with the bitchy comments. They were negating, not only a Biblical
lesson, but a lesson crucial to loving and being loved in return: GIVE
By constantly touching him whenever she could she opened up a storehouse of love
within him that overflowed and drowned out the anger and aggression he
was known for and met a dual purpose in the relationship; she was
giving and he learnt to give in return. The relationship was not being
played out in a boxing ring where the fight was not even for equal
rights but to see who comes out on top: I will give as much as you give
and no more. The relationship was a circle of giving – not a
remember once reading in a church leaflet covering the topic of
marriage that we are all capable of achieving our own “AND THEY LIVED
HAPPILY EVER AFTER” if you have someone next to you who wants to be
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