I have been asked by some who have read THE TOP STOREY how I was able to achieve such gripping scenes that kept them on a knife-edge.
To quote one of my cousins, "Once I started reading I had to get to the end. I read your book in one night." A compliment indeed! But getting back to the question. Creating gripping scenes? My answer is EMOTIONS. I dive into the characters I create and feel their emotional turmoil thus allowing my mind to find words to express and allow these emotions flow. I feed these emotions into my characters enabling them to become real living identifiable beings. A reviewers emotional involvement expressed; " It's easy to get immersed in the character's world... that make you wish you could call them to ask what they're thinking and why." Identifying emotional ties within love relationships is the difference of the depth of emotional involvement within couples. When emotional involvement is the total giving of self, COME WHAT MAY, then we have what fairy stories say "and they lived happily ever after"
EMOTIONAL READS can be thought provoking. Questioning oneself and reflecting.
What would I have done in such a situation?
I know someone who experienced similar.
I feel like the heroine but am I strong enough to do something about it?

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